RCS Biz Center - Response body error code
204 error code
request 처리 결과는 성공적이나 제공할 데이터가 없는 경우 응답됩니다.
60004 "No Content" : 요청을 성공적으로 처리했으나 데이터가 없음
400 error code
잘못된 Request에 대하여 응답됩니다. 요구되는 헤더가 누락되거나 Request에 필요한 데이터 누락/오류 등에 해당하는 경우 응답됩니다.
64001 "Missing X-RCS-BrandKey header"
64002 "Invalid Brand Key"
64101 "Invalid brandId on path parameter"
64102 "Invalid agencyId on path parameter"
64103 "Invalid corpRegNum on path parameter"
64104 "Invalid personId on path parameter"
64105 "Invalid chatbotId on path parameter"
64106 "Invalid messagebaseId on path parameter"
64107 "Invalid messagebaseformId on path parameter"
64108 "Invalid autoReplyMsgId on path parameter"
64109 "Invalid fileId on path parameter"
64201 "Invalid query parameter ({name of parameter})"
64202 "Invalid query parameter value ({name of parameter}:{value})"
64203 "query parameter required ({name of parameter})"
64301 "Missing Body data"
64302 "Invalid JSON format"
64303 "Invalid type of Attribute ({name of attribute})"
64304 "Over specified size ({name of attribute})"
64305 "Missing Certification document"
64306 "Exceed MDN registration quantity"
64307 "Missing MDN"
64308 "Invalid MDN format"
64309 "Missing chatbot name"
64310 "Invalid display format"
64311 "Invalid rcsReply format"
64312 "Missing messagebaseformId"
64313 "Invalid messagebaseformId"
64314 "Missing Template name"
64315 "Missing brandId"
64316 "Invalid brandId"
64317 "Invalid agencyId"
64318 "Invalid formattedString format"
64319 "Duplicate MDN"
64320 "Duplicate messagebaseId"
64321 "Invalid approval status"
64322 "File no exist"
64323 "No changes"
64324 "Invalid custTmpltId format"
64325 "Invalid chatbot service type"
64326 "Invalid chatbot webhook format"
64327 "Not allowed delete"
64328 "Not allowed modification"
64329 "Missing profile image"
64330 "brand creation permission denied"
64331 "brand Image File Capacity Overflow" : 이미지 파일 최대 용량 초과(1MB 이하)
64332 "brand profile file is only png" : 브랜드 프로파일 이미지 PNG만 허용
64333 "Not Allowed Brand Image File Extension"
64334 "Not Matched Brand Image File Property"
64335 "Brand Image File Image Size Error" : 이미지 가로/세로 크기 초과
64336 "Brand Creation Property Required"
64337 "Brand Creation Property Value Error"
64338 "Brand Creation Property Value Error With Reason"
64339 "Brand Creation Property Size Limit"
64340 "Brand Creation Default MDN Required"
64341 "Brand Creation MDN Duplicated"
64342 "Brand Creation RegBrand Error"
64343 "Brand Creation Chatbots Array Error"
64344 "can not regist deleted mdn in this brand"
64345 "invalid brand status"
64346 "user not found: %s"
64347 "%s is not registered"
64348 "%s is already registered"
64349 "%s has not qualified"
64350 "Templateform not found."
64351 "%s exists. need to delete all %s before deleting the brand"
64352 "can not delete yourself"
64353 "%s is temporarily unavailable."
64354 "Attached File Capacity Overflow"
64355 "Not allowed file extension"
64356 "can not deleted chatbot. This mdn is being used by twoway chatbot."
64357 "Invalid body format [%s]"
64358 "Invalid buttons format [%s]"
64359 "Invalid chipList format [%s]"
64360 "chatbot is not twoway"
64361 "chatbotId does not match subNum"
64362 "subNum dose not found."
64363 "botAgencyId dose not found."
64364 "Invalid inputField format"
64365 "chatbot was deleted"
64366 "chabotId is duplicated"
64367 "Used by Twoway Chatbot [%s]"
64368 "Missing service"
64369 "Missing chatbotId"
64370 "Missing subNum"
64371 "Missing botAgencyId"
64372 "Missing subTitle"
64373 "Invalid chatbotId format"
64374 "Invalid subTitle format"
64375 "AutoReplyMsgId not found"
64376 "Missing Menu Title"
64377 "Invalid_menu_format [%s]"
64378 "Failed to confirm subscription status"
64379 "Persistent menu was deleted"
64380 "This Agency is not support chat service"
64381 "Invalid subNum format"
64382 "The contracted information could not be found"
64383 "chatbotId dose not found."
64384 "Duplicated PostbackId [%s]"
64385 "This Menu dose not regist"
64386 "This Menu status dose not pause"
64387 "This Menu being used"
64388 "This chatbot dose not using the persistentMenu"
64389 "Invalid isPause format"
64390 "This agency dose not support relay"
64391 "This agency has not permission"
64392 "botAgencyId does not match userId"
64393 "Unable to delete agency privilege (agencyId is registered in the twoway chatbot)" 64394 "brand profile / background image must be 1:1 ratio"
64395 "file is up to %sMb"
64396 "check file extension (%s)"
64397 "invalid body %s"
64397 "required %s"
64398 "must be entered in pairs, following:%s / required:%s"
64399 "there is no value for image size (param:%s, fileId:%s)"
64400 "required %sx%s, image resolution is %sx%s (param:%s, fileId:%s)"
64532 "There is no relay information." : 중계사 정보가 없습니다.
64533 "There is no relay company receiving server URL information." : 중계사 수신서버 URL 정보가 없습니다.
64534 "Subscription information not found." : 청약 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.
64541 "The associated autoReplyMsg is invalid" : 연결된 자동응답메시지가 유효하지 않습니다.
64543 "chatbotId is not a bidirectional chatbot" : 양방향 대화방이 아닙니다.
64545 "Invalid layoutId" : 레이아웃 정보가 없습니다.
64546 "Invalid product code" : 상품코드가 없습니다.
64549 "The bodyComposition is required." : 레이아웃의 바디 영역은 필수 입력요소 입니다. 64550 "Only one component is available for headerComposition." : 헤더 영역에는 하나의 컴포넌트만 사용 가능합니다.
64552 "%s component is not available for %s." : X 컴포넌트는 Y 에 올 수 없습니다.
64600 "Invalid componetId" : 해당 컴포넌트는 레이아웃 전용이 아닙니다. / 컴포넌트 아이디가 없습니다.
64601 "Only one component is available for footerComposition."
64603 "Invalid sampleLayoutId" : 샘플 레이아웃 ID가 아닙니다.
64604 "Different components that belong to the same groupComponentId cannot be used together." : 같은 그룹 컴포넌트는 하나만 쓸 수 있습니다.
64606 "only one size (300x300px) can be uploaded." : 300x300px 사이즈의 파일만 업로드 가능합니다.
64607 "The maximum number of logos allowed: %s" : 로고는 최대 %s개까지 등록 가능합니다.
64608 "invalid template status (%s)" : 템플릿 상태를 체크하세요
64609 "exceeded allowed number of agencies. maxsize is %s" : 대행사 허용 개수 초과. 최대 개수 : %s
64610 "Invalid psMenuUse format" : 유효하지 않은 psMenuUse 형식 입니다.
64612 "There is no RCS MO Message Webhook URL information." : 중계사 양방향 대화방 수신 URL 정보가 없습니다.
401 error code
인증에 필요한 정보가 누락되거나 값이 잘못된 경우 응답됩니다.
61001 "Missing Authorization header Authorization"
61002 "Missing Token Authorization"
61003 "Invalid token "
61004 "Token has expired"
61005 "Invalid client id"
61006 "Invalid secret key"
61007 "not allowed IP. unregistered %s"
403 error code
대상에 대한 접근 권한이 없는 경우 응답됩니다.
63001 "No Brand Permission"
63002 "No Permission"
Last updated
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